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plank pose on one arm and one leg, bird dog

Strong with Sarah

4 weeks of Yoga and Strength

Get stronger and move better with a focus on fundamentals, alignment, and progressions. 

Are you new to yoga and fitness? 

Overwhelmed and not sure where to begin? 

Need a flexible training schedule?

This course is for you.

Do you have some experience with yoga but are looking to add more strength training into your practice?Tired of trying to piece together random free ig workouts or YouTube videos and eager to build a sustainable routine?

I'm so happy you're here.

Ready to build a balanced foundation for your fitness journey?

Welcome to a fun four weeks of yoga and strength training!

Strong with Sarah is designed to help you gain a better understanding of your own body and how it moves.

Teachers and experienced practitioners can still always benefit from reviewing and practicing the basics, and I'm confident you will find many valuable takeaways in this course you can add to your teaching toolbox.   The fact you are reading this proves you are eager to learn. 


Over the 4 week program, you will:

  • Build strength and improve your mobility, balance, and awareness.

  • Learn the intention behind different postures, exercises, drills, and progressions. 

  • Study and experience the art of mindful movement and how your body moves through space.

  • Break down Asana, yoga postures, and practice series of yoga postures. 

  • Practice bodyweight strength exercises and resistance training with weights.

  • Discover how to address imbalances in your body and improve your movement mechanics.

  • Establish a solid foundation to continue safely and effectively and building your strength and advancing your practice.​​

designed for:

Prepare to:

Feel confident in your workouts because you've learned the importance of training fundamentals.

Crush workouts on your schedule, when and where it works best for you.

Understand how to assess and address imbalances or limitations in your strength and mobility.

Set yourself up for long-term success in your training.

Improve your understanding of your unique body, how it moves, and how it responds to training.​

Challenge yourself with new skills and progression drills you can continue to build on after this program.

sarah bublavy online coach crossfit strength training

Meet Your Coach

Hello, I'm Sarah B., yogi, athlete, teacher, and forever student.

Over the past 10 years, I have trained, studied and coached a wide variety of movement practices and sports disciplines.


I have had the great opportunity to coach students of all different ages and levels, from the beginner to advanced.

I created Strong with Sarah to bring you a balanced introductory program incorporating the best of what I've learned.

I've seen the results of imbalanced training: inefficient movement patterns leading to inability to achieve your greatest potential and... injury.


I want more for you. You deserve more. 

I want you to feel strong and able to enjoy your favorite hobbies, sports, and life.

downward facing dog

Strong with Sarah

is a 4-Week Online Program

to help you build strength and improve your mobility​

designed for:​

the beginner, yogi, or athlete who wants to build or rebuild a solid fitness foundation. 

You crave a structured program that empowers you to learn about your body and the intentions behind training. 

pushup form chaturanga strength training

Over Four Weeks

You get to:


Train with me on your own schedule, with your available equipment,  from anywhere in the world.


Upload your workouts to receive weekly coaching and pro tips for mastering the basics of training.

Gain a better understanding of your unique body and how it moves.

Learn the why behind your workouts.

Improve movement efficiency to get the most out of your workouts.

online personal training kettlebell snat
High Bar Tuck Hang

Complete your daily workouts in the app. Each day you will have various "Steps" to complete. Some of the content will be reading, some follow along video, and some 

Bodyweight Exercises





Jumps / Plyometrics


Warm-up flows

Strength flows

Progression drills

Breath work

Restorative postures

Resistance Exercises




Resistance Bands

 "The program was amazing. Seriously I am so glad I did it. I loved that I could be flexible and move things around to fit my schedule. I feel like my flexibility and strength definitely increased, and I really focused on the importance of proper form over everything. Thank you so much for making such an amazing program!!!"   


"Life Changing! Habit-forming. As a Physical Therapist, correct exercise form and technique are very important to me. Sarah’s course is an excellent foundational program. She customized a program to work toward my specific goals. I already worked out on my own, but was stuck in the same rut. FYF allows a variety of new challenging exercise  and working the areas that need it the most. She provides short video clips that demonstrate the exercises to set me up for success. The best part - I upload video clips of my performance, then Sarah timely reviews, providing very specific feedback for me to improve my technique. Even though I’m a few thousand miles away, it’s like having her right there!  I already feel more fit, stronger, flexible and healthier.  Empowering!"

~Cara, Physical Therapist

'Sarah is so personable and so down to earth, that I felt it was easy to go to her with any questions that I had. She responds quickly and is the greatest yoga instructor I’ve ever had the chance to work with."


pullup hold strength training in Strong with Sarah

What to Expect

A challenging yet accessible 4-week training plan consisting of yoga practice, strength workouts, and mobility exercises.

Daily notifications containing your workout program for the day so you can stay on track.

Intentional and effective movement progressions and exercises. 

Options for modifications and advancements.

Incorporation of props and equipment you have at home to assist your practice.

box jumps coach sarah bublavy crossfit i


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